Test of timed release

I read that Jekyll is capable of making future posts. Testing whether a specific timestamp is needed or if it auto-posts at midnight.

Followup (2015-05-18)

The built-in future posting feature of Jekyll is pretty neat, I am glad that the feature exists. To enable post queuing, all you need to do is disable posts with a future date from being published.

In your config.yml file, enter:

future: false

. . . and you are all set. In your front-matter, enter your desired publish date. The front matter for this page (which was written on 2015-05-14) reads thus:

date: 2015-05-16
layout: post
title: Test of timed release
tags: test

You can even set a specific time (with specific time zone) for the publication to go live.

date: 2015-05-16 09:00 +0600